Product overview

How do our gamma-ray sensors work?

Medusa provides a variety of survey tools designed for effortless measurement of spatial soil variation. Our gamma-ray spectrometers, at the core of these tools, passively detect the natural radioactivity in the topsoil. They are incredibly user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to use.

On this page, you can explore the diverse range of sensor sizes provided by Medusa Radiometrics. Each sensor is tailored for a distinct application. For those interested in the underlying principles, an explanation of using gamma-ray spectrometers for soil information gathering is available at the page's end.

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mDOS & Gamman

medusa Detector Operating System (mDOS)

We offer a uniform interface across all our products. Whether conducting an airborne survey for mineral exploration, locating a lost source with a UAV, or utilizing our detector for a handheld survey to map the environment, you can rely on the same user-friendly interface. This software is specifically developed for in-the-field use, optimized for ease of use, and designed to automate your survey workflow.

GammAn post-processing software

For situations that require post-processing of data, a seamless connection with mDOS facilitates rapid reprocessing. The system is available with a graphical user interface and also as a set of command-line tools for both Windows and Linux, allowing you to integrate the analysis seamlessly into your existing workflow.

More about mDOS and GammAn

mDOS user interface

The soil is ticking

Every soil contains soil radionuclides like potassium (K-40), uranium (U-238), thorium (Th-232), and sometimes cesium (Cs-137). The Medusa sensor can measure the signals emitted by these radionuclides. With our sensor, even the smallest variations in radionuclide concentrations within the soil can be detected, offering valuable insights into the soil's composition.

The fingerprint of the soil

Our sensors provide accurate insights into soil composition and a wide range of other soil parameters. In fact, the radionuclide signal is so distinctive that it is often referred to as the soil's fingerprint. Our sensors are used to measure soil composition and diverse soil properties including soil texture, minerals, and soil pollutants like heavy metals.

Size matters

Medusa has developed a variety of sensors designed for specific applications. Although all sensors share the same technology, operating system, robust electronics, and easy-to-use interface, the difference lies in their measurement efficiency. Larger sensors offer enhanced efficiency, enabling faster survey speeds and larger survey heights.

Finding the right sensor for the job is an intricate interplay between the accuracy needed on one hand and parameters such as the working speed, measurement height, and available payload on the other hand. For instance, when using drones, the available payload will restrict the maximum detector weight.